Internal Links (Detailed)

Complete and modernized guide for the 2024 world of AI assisted content creation, SEO, tools and techniques.

8 min read

Are you maximizing the potential of internal linking? As AI revolutionizes the digital landscape, staying ahead of the curve and leveraging the power of intelligent interlinking is essential. In this article, we explore the significance of internal linking, uncover the adoption of AI in interlinking practices, and discover how you can practically use AI interlinking to elevate your SEO performance and enhance user engagement.

What Are Internal Links?

Internal links are hyperlinks that point to pages on the same domain. These differ from external links, which link to pages on other domains.

Internal links take various forms, including those on your homepage, and menu. Additionally, you can insert links directly within your content, referred to as contextual internal links. The hyperlink in the preceding sentence qualifies as an internal link as it directs you to a page on this website.


Why are Internal Links Important?

Internal links play a crucial role in enhancing revenue, user engagement, and other essential user conversion metrics. By improving users' navigation on your website, they contribute to a positive user experience. Additionally, internal links have a positive impact on SEO, potentially increasing organic traffic to your site.

In the following sections, we will provide a brief overview of each benefit and guide you on easily creating internal links to harness these advantages.

Optimizing Crawl Budget with Internal Links

In order for search engines to display your page on the search engine results page (SERP), they must crawl and index your page. These come with associated costs for search engines. To manage these costs, search engines establish limits on the number of pages they crawl on each site, known as the crawl budget.

Since search engines navigate pages through internal links, creating them correctly ensures the optimal allocation of the crawl budget.

Internal Links help Search Engines Index and show results on SERP

When a search engine crawls a webpage and encounters a hyperlink, the clickable text, known as the anchor text, plays a crucial role in SEO. This text provides search engines with context about the content on the destination page. Essentially, anchor text acts as a clue or a label, guiding search engines in understanding the topic or theme of the page it links to, thereby aiding in accurately indexing and ranking web pages in search results. For instance, if the anchor text includes "best digital cameras," search engines infer that the linked page is likely about digital cameras and their reviews or rankings. This process is part of how search engines assess and determine the relevance and value of web pages about specific search queries, thus boosting your visibility and traffic.

Internal Links help build Topical Authority

To achieve high rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs), establishing topical authority is essential. It is about establishing authority on key topics for your brand. This is typically done by organizing your content into a structured hierarchy, starting with a main pillar page that provides an overview of a topic, followed by additional pages that delve into specific subtopics related to the main topic. Then, establish a network of internal links between your pillar pages and their related subtopic pages (and vice versa). These internal links are vital for signalling to search engines the relationship between your pillar pages and topic clusters, thereby reinforcing the topical authority of your website.

Internal Link help distribute ranking power around your website

Ranking power, often referred to as "link equity" or "link juice" is a search engine ranking factor that is shared across all the links on a webpage. When you create internal links from one page to another within your site, you are essentially channeling this valuable equity to pages you want to boost in search rankings.

For example, if a high-authority external site links to one of your pages, that page gains link equity. By internally linking this page to other related content on your site, you can spread some of this acquired equity to those pages, enhancing their potential to rank higher in search results.

The Transformative Influence of AI on Internal Linking

The Ease and Burden of AI-Generated Content

A surge in the use of AI content generation tools has empowered creators to generate a plethora of content effortlessly. Everyone is doing it; you should do it too but don't forget to inject a personalized touch. However, despite claims of internal link creation by some AI tools, they frequently fall short, lacking in the creation of numerous relevant connections.

Steps to build Internal Links - Made Super Easy by AILinks

Now, we'll provide you a comprehensive guide on building internal links to unlock all the benefits. We will list what you as a site leads have to take care and what our 100% automated tool, AILinks takes care seamlessly.

Help users better navigate a website

Your users may first land on articles or special pages.

Special pages are pages such as the Home Page, Category pages, pages containing popular articles etc. As a site leader, you should decide which articles should be reachable more easily than others from these pages. This is your opportunity to impress your users with your best. There is not much a tool can do here.

On an article page however, AILinks takes care of it all. AILinks employs cutting-edge AI techniques to create contextual text links and the Related Articles blocks automatically.

By including a couple of lines of Javascript code (even into no-code website builders), AILinks automatically adds "related articles sections" and "contextual internal hyperlinks" allowing content creators and marketers to focus on creating exciting and useful content.

Needless to say, all related articles sections and almost all hyperlinks on this site are automatically inserted by AILinks. And we make it really easy to customize almost everything - colors of the hyperlinks and fonts, size, text, colors of the related post section, and how often they appear. We also allow site owners to pick and choose only desired hyperlinks.

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Conclusion and Next Steps

As we wrap up, remember that internal linking for SEO is an ongoing process. It requires regular audits, updates, and adaptations to align with your evolving content strategy. Fortunately, as outlined earlier, AILinks does the heavy lifting by consistently updating contextual text links and related posts, linking them to newer and more relevant articles when needed.

By incorporating the practices and tips covered, you are on the path to establishing a more navigable, conversion-focused, and SEO-friendly website. Stay committed to these strategies for continual improvement in your site's performance.